Friday, September 29, 2006

Okay, about a week ago while my oldest daughter was at school and my hubby was off we took our littlest two kids to the park. I of course had my camera in hand the whole time. Well, my daughter and I spotted some turtles and I asked her to point at them so I could take some pics of her looking at them. Well, I took several and she just looked so darn cute, saying "Turtles, Momma turtles!" When I got home I wanted to immediately take the photos off of my camera. So I sat down at the computer and did so. As I was looking through them I noticed something hilarious about one of the photos. In the background, of one of the photos of my daughter pointing at the turtles, is a lady, I have no clue who she is, bent over. When I saw this it cracked me up I was about to ROFLMAO. It is the most hilarious photo. I guess I should have remembered one of the photographers rules of the trade. MAKE SURE THERE IS NOTHING OBSTRUCTIVE IN THE BACKGROUND OR GROWING OUT OF YOUR SUBJECTS HEAD. I just had to make a blinkie out of it and another photo without the lady in the photo. Check out my blinkie.

Isn't that the funniest photo ever. It cracks me up everytime I look at it. I thought it might make someone else smile too! It's so funny.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,
I tried leaving a comment yesterday, but I guess my dial-up would not let me. I got DSL today
I'm Happy99 by the way - love the Scrapgirls site.

This picture with the lady bending over is just too funny - How fun

I'm going to try posting at your other comment spots.

I really like your work

Tanya/TiggerRD said...

This cracked me up too - thanks for sharing!